Sunday, December 21, 2008

Went to Cincinnati today to see Over the Rhine. The concert was at a very old Catholic church. Sooo cool but my camera batteries were running down and the light was kinda weird in there. Since I am still learning how to work my camera, shots not great but the architecture was wonderful. We got in free because of an advance order of a CD earlier in the year. They are sooo great in concert. It was packed and we got lost so we had to sit in the balcony. I was afraid the whole time that it would collapse or something it was so old. The fire department did come in and count twice and look around. The refreshments were free. There was coffee (freshly custom roasted and ground), wine, Belgian waffles, veggies, cheese and cake.

We brought Vince and Susan's car back from the airport. It got so cold and windy. It was 9 degrees there when we left with a very low wind chill I am sure.

Vince and Susan are not having a good experience in Mexico so far so I hope the rest of their vacation gets better.

Hey guys at least it is not 9 degrees!

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