I love old fans. They remind me of my grandma's church, which I do believe was my first true memory of fans. I can visualize people sitting in every row fanning themselves as the sermon went along. Fans were placed in each row to be used Sunday to Sunday. Many were made by the funeral home with an advertisement on the back. I picked these up along the way... one from a friend, one from a flea market. I always try to imaging the places they have been and the faces they cooled. It is that way with any antique.
I was talking with my son the other day and told him that one of my fascinations with antiques was the stories they held. The best reason to use an antique is to recycle and keep the life going in something that was really made to withstand time. Antique lovers are the true recyclers! I don't care if it is worn, tattered and scratched. That makes it all the better.
One of my favorite Christmas ornaments is a faded worn glass ornament. The top is off but the person who had it, lovingly tied a string to a piece of wood, dropped it in so that it was wedged and then tied a hook to the string. I picked it up in an antique mall for a few cents because it is really not worth anything, but the story of the repair is what intrigues me so much. I wish we were more like that now instead of throwing away so much. I want to be able to see the value of something and use it even if it is a little rough around the edges. I fight the battle of being a pack rat. It is hard for me to detach emotions from things. Crazy I know.
The shot of the Knox Gelatin cookbook is one of my Great Grandmother's. I tried making some of the recipes. Some still work, but others don't translate to our tastes today very well I am afraid!
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