Monday, January 26, 2009

Lazy weekend

These pics are from last weekend when Gabe and Melody came up after their proposal. Pardon the open laundry room door and the grainy shots. The battery was going out again in my camera. We were at Mom's right before and she was a little tickled about something. We'll see if she tells me to take the pics off.

We really did not do too much this weekend. I worked late on Friday, slept late on Saturday, went in for a couple of hours to do some more work and then home. Roger's sisters Debbie and Michelle came to spend the night so we visited and I cooked. I really have been wanting to go see Slumdog Millionaire but haven't had any luck getting anyone to go with me. Maybe I can work it in one night this week after school. I think it will be a good one to see. Benjamin Button getting lots of Oscar flurry but personally I did not like it all that much. It had it's moments but was entirely too long and then the ending seeming contrite and rushed. I may have even commented on it before, but not really my kind of movie.


  1. I wish you hadn't snuck pictures of me and POSTED them on here! My hair does look kinda red...stupid lighting!

  2. Susa B your hair does not look red and I did not sneak pics! I most blatantly posted them! Ha! Ha! If you would only look at me and smile. See how pretty your profile pic looks when you do?

  3. So after reading what you said about the movie ..I remembered that on my daughter's second blog called BlOg sOuP..
    She has a post called “FuNNy”..Sunday, January 25, 2009..
    It is a view of Forest Gump and Benjamin Button...
    Very Interesting.. Check out this video on her blog..
    You will love the comparison.
