Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow brought the robins!

We looked out this morning and saw about 100 robins total flying in for an early Spring. We had about 3 inches of snow this morning with a few more scheduled to be here by afternoon. Roger had shoveled a path for Max to go out because he is so small he gets buried in just a small amount of snow. The robins landed right outside of our windows hense the smudges on the glass where Max's little wet nose has been.


  1. YOu take the most beautiful pictures.
    THese Robins remind me of a Spring poem I teach that the kids love...
    "Earthworm, Beware of the crack
    .. don’t poke your head out,
    Robin's back!!!"
    I think I will use your pictures to teach it this that ok???
    Fondly, B.

  2. Beautiful robin pictures, Tishy! The mixed flocks that winter over here in Seattle are starting to pair up with their own kind. You hear lots of birdsong even through closed windows at 4:15 in the morning. Time to 'spring ahead with our clocks'; that is obvious to me!
